mail_overdue – BACKUP

thank you very much for your 10th-Call VCTM-Friends registration. Please issue your payment within 14 days in order to complete your registration. We will not send reminders and we have to give away your spot if we do not receive your payment

mail_overdue – WINNERS

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU WON! Your full ticket to VCTM 2024 Winter Edition taking place 22-24 November 2024! Just mention your name together with a student ID during check-in on Friday evening and you are good to go for a weekend full of tango

mail_overdue – LOOSERS

Thank you for participating in our free student ticket raffle! Sadly you did not win your free ticket. But we will keep you in the registration process and we garantee your spot with our upcoming VCTM 2024 Winter Edition taking place 22-24